
Dear Engaged Couple,

We are delighted that you are considering Our Lady of Sorrows as the venue for your wedding. It is our hope that you will find our church perfectly suited to meet the needs of your special day. Our Lady of Sorrows stands as a testament to architectural brilliance, rich history, a central location, and an indescribable beauty. It is widely regarded as one of the most splendid church buildings in Kansas City. At its heart, upon the high altar, lies the iconic depiction of Mary as the queen of heaven and earth. This image served as the inspiration for the Hallmark company’s logo, Crown Center, and the Royals. The present church has graced our community for a century since September 1923.

We warmly invite you to explore the beauty of our church through complimentary tours available during weekday business hours. Alternatively, attending Mass over the weekend provides a wonderful opportunity to experience the church’s exquisite acoustics and beauty.

Listed below are the standard guidelines for weddings at Our Lady of Sorrows, designed to ensure we serve you with the utmost dedication:

Preparation and Paperwork: All marriage preparations and necessary paperwork must be completed either at your home parish (where you regularly attend) or within the parish boundaries of your residence.

Celebrant: You are required to provide your own celebrant, either a Catholic priest or deacon, to officiate both the Rehearsal and Wedding.

Fee: The total fee for weddings is $1995.00, which includes a non-refundable deposit of $995.00. This deposit secures both your rehearsal and wedding date and time. One rescheduling is allowed without penalty. For a second rescheduling, a non-refundable additional deposit of $500.00 will apply. All requests for rescheduling must be submitted in writing via email or letter. Rescheduling is permitted up to 30 days prior to the currently scheduled rehearsal time. We do not have any way to process credit cards. A check is preferable.

Balance Payment: The remaining balance of $1000.00 can be paid in installments or as a lump sum. The full balance must be received four months before the wedding date. Please note that this is based on booking a wedding a year in advance. If the booking is made with less than a year’s notice, the balance will be adjusted accordingly.

Eligibility: While parishioner status is not mandatory, one of the parties must be Catholic, and both parties must be free to marry, with no impediments (e.g., previous marriage without annulment).

Parishioner Requirements: If you are a parishioner of Our Lady of Sorrows seeking marriage preparation, you must be registered and actively involved in parish ministry(s) for a minimum of two years prior to your wedding. Marriage preparation is available to non-parishioners for an additional fee of $400, with the permission of your pastor.


Rehearsal: One hour is allocated for the rehearsal. Doors will not open more than 15 minutes before the scheduled time, and no additional time will be added for lateness.

Wedding: A 3.5-hour block of time is allocated for the wedding, with 1.5 hours before and 2 hours after the starting time.

Arrival and Departure: No one is permitted to arrive before or remain after this allocated block of time.

Wedding Times:

Saturdays: 10:00am, 1:30pm or 6:00pm

Weekday Evening Weddings: Subject to availability, provided there are no prior bookings or events.

Booking Priority: Bookings are confirmed on a first-come-first-serve basis. The first contract and deposit received will secure the date.

Required Information: Within one month of signing the contract, we require your celebrant’s name and contact details, marriage preparation information, and permission from your home parish to marry at our parish. Exceptions can be considered for weddings less than a year away.

Additional Information:

Church Capacity (Fire Code): 518

Main Aisle Width: 7 ft.

Pews per Side: 23

Pew Height: 3 ft.

Approximate Seating Capacity per Pew: 8-10 individuals.

For booking inquiries or to check date availability, please contact our parish at 816-421-2112 x101 if you would like information on multiple date availability or email our Pastoral Associate, Brad, at if you have questions about a single date availability.

Please know that we hold you in our prayers as you prepare for your wedding.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Leonard

Pastor, Our Lady of Sorrows